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⚑ Integrating CAP - Rust-based Projects

⚑ Integrating CAP - Rust-based Projects

To integrate CAP, a Token or NFT must use the CAP Rust SDK. A development kit we created to facilitate the integration of new or existing projects written in Rust.

The following guide will take you through creating a sample project (NFT/Token) that uses CAP for its event history. It will create a simple token that registers with CAP and then submits and retrieves events. It is recommended that you read the CAP specifications to understand how CAP works.

  • That can be found here

The following guide will take you through creating a sample project (NFT/Token) that uses CAP for its event history. It will create a simple token that registers with CAP and then submits and retrieves events. It is recommended that you read the CAP specifications to understand how CAP works.

  • That can be found here

Integrating CAP to an NFT/Token Canister 🧰

The first step is to create a simple project. Here we will create an empty Rust project. Note: this assumes your machine is already set up for IC development. Please make sure you have dfx, ic-optimizer and the wasm target installed on your machine.

Here is an empty Rust IC boilerplate you can get started with in this example:

You can clone this or fork it to start your own project. Alternatively, if you want to see the finished example and not just excerpts, visit the final version.

cap-sdk = "0.2.3"
cap-sdk-core = "0.2.2"

Note, currently it is under development so we are pointing to the Github version. Once it is published, you can point directly to the published crate.

Create a Canister and Register it With CAP πŸ›’οΈ

The next step is to create the constructor and add the root bucket and register it with CAP for your token.

First, let’s create a constructor for this token so that in it, we will set up the CAP root bucket.

fn init() {


Then, we will create a canister and register it with the CAP This can be done using the initialization helper in the SDK:

fn init(cycles: u64) {
   // Handshake with a mock cap, we are assuming the first deployed canister
   // on your local is used for Cap.
   // In the real world when you're deploying a real bucket canister, you should
   // put a higher amount of creation cycles, we recommend 10TC, and use None for the target canister so it uses the default mainnet canister ID


This is required because CAP follows a hub and spoke architecture. There is a central canister we call the router that facilitates onboarding of new NFTs/Tokens integrating and the management of CAP.

Root canisters (transaction histories) are created for each token that wants to use CAP, and is registered with the CAP router. After initialisation, your app can hit your root canister directly without having to go through the router anymore, and will be the only canister that will be able to send records to it.

Inserting Events & Sending Records to CAP πŸ›°οΈ

Now, let’s insert events. For the purposes of this example, let’s create 2 simple functions, mint and transfer that will let users mint and transfer their tokens respectively.

#[update(name = "mint")]
pub async fn mint(owner: Principal) -> u64 {


#[update(name = "transfer")]
pub async fn transfer(new_owner: Principal, token_id: u64) {


Now, we can use the insert helper from the SDK to add events to CAP:

#[update(name = "mint")]
pub async fn mint(owner: Principal) -> u64 {

   // other stuff

   let transaction_details = MintDetails {
       to: owner,
       cycles: available,

   data.nft_owners.insert(transaction_details.token_id, owner);

   data.next_id += 1;

   let event = IndefiniteEventBuilder::new()


Let’s take a look at that payload we inserted. The fields in the first level are common fields to all CAP events. The details field is where we let you add any number of fields that are unique to your application.

In this case we are capturing a mint so we want to capture things like who the token should be assigned to, and the token ID. Similarly, you can do an insert for the transfer function as well. Note the different fields this time:

#[update(name = "transfer")]
pub async fn transfer(new_owner: Principal, token_id: u64) {
    // other stuff

   let transaction_details = TransferDetails {
       to: new_owner,
       token_id: token_id,

   let event = IndefiniteEventBuilder::new()


The idea is that you can add these inserts anywhere in your code whenever there is an event you want to capture and query later.

Batch Transactions πŸ‘―β€β™‚οΈ

In order to increase the throughput of transactions that can be inserted into a Root Bucket through a single inter-canister call, we've created the insert_many method.

insert_many works in the exact same way as insert does, however its payload can be made up of an array of transactions.

#[update(name = "transfer")]
pub async fn mint_and_transfer(token_id: u64, new_owner: Prinicpal) {
    // other stuff

    let mint_details = TransferDetails {
       to: new_owner,
       token_id: token_id,

   let mint_event = IndefiniteEventBuilder::new()

   let transfer_details = TransferDetails {
       to: new_owner,
       token_id: token_id,

   let transfer_event = IndefiniteEventBuilder::new()

   insert_many(vec![mint_event, transfer_event]).await.unwrap();

Failure Resistant Insertions βœ…

A Root Bucket's transaction integrity is only as good as the main canister's ability to handle errors. For this reason, we have insert_sync and insert_many_sync. These methods won't slow you canister down, they are not asynchronous, they don't have to await a response because they know how to handle all responses. Here's how that looks in pracice:

#[update(name = "transfer")]
// Notice that we removed the async keyword here, our method doesn't need to be async anymore.
pub fn transfer(new_owner: Principal, token_id: u64) {
    // other stuff

   let transaction_details = TransferDetails {
       to: new_owner,
       token_id: token_id,

   let event = IndefiniteEventBuilder::new()


With both methods, any failed insertions (from an out of cycles canister, for example) are indexed and saved to the main canister's heap storage. This transaction(s) will stay in storage until another insert_sync or insert_many_sync method is called, at which point the saved transactions will be flushed out of storage, bundled together with the new transactions as a batch transaction, and sent off to the Root Bucket as intended.

Multiple failed insertions preserves the order of transactions, thereby maintaining the integretity of the Root Bucket's transaction history.

Maintenance of One’s History in CAP πŸ”‹

Currently Psychedelic will manage the cycles for the router canister, but do make sure your root canister is loaded with cycles.

Eventually we will introduce an automatic reloading feature with cycles and fund that through fees but that will be a future release.

Also do note, this is an alpha release of CAP and it is subject to heavy development and please keep us informed of any bugs or issues you face.

Querying Events/Transactions πŸ—„οΈ

Querying Events/Transactions from the NFT/Token Canister

Now when it comes to querying these events, the SDK also provides helper functions you can use. Let’s create a simple function that will return a specific event. This is a simple wrapper on the get_transaction call to demonstrate how it’s used. It basically looks up a transaction in CAP and returns the details.

#[update(name = "get_transaction_by_id")]
pub async fn get_transaction_by_id(id: u64) -> Event {


Similarly, there are other query functions that let you get all transactions, or just the transactions for a user that you can use.

#[update(name = "get_transaction_by_id")]
pub async fn get_transaction_by_id(id: u64) -> Event {
   let ctx = get_context();

   let result = get_transaction(id).await;

   let tx = match result {
       Ok(t) => t,
       Err(e) => {
           panic!("Error finding transactions.");


This highlights the main interactions with CAP. But there are helpers and other data structures that are needed to make this work. You can find them all in a full working example here:

Querying Events/Transactions from CAP Directly

Having said that, since your CAP router has query functions available on it, you can query it directly from the frontend as well, i.e., it's not required to query through a canister only like in the above example. You can take a look at CAP-JS ( to see the helper for that and how it’s done

That’s it! CAP and the CAP SDK do the heavy lifting so you can simply register, insert and query and focus on your application.